Welcome to the Team

Welcome to the Webpage of PROC(Proud Racers of Canada)

A Forza Motorsport Touge Drift Team

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Welcome to PROC

I would gladly like to welcome our friend B Regier to the team. He has shown us he has the ability to pull some powerful fast slides and his agressiveness is something he uses to his favor. Glad to have you on the team B Regier, Your Journy begins!

The PEEWEE SHOOTER1 Cut off haha

Monday, November 5, 2012

We Got's To Go FILM!!!

Our First Full Team Film Day...
Hopefully going to happen this week at this time and date in FORZA 4

November 9th
7:00pm Eastern Time

I want to get some full team shots and replays so I can start filming for our newest project.

Thanks anyways guys but also Look Up, had some free time befor work and made a new banner for the site. Hope you guys are liking it!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

This is probably the best thing you've ever seen come from drifting films. Nox Energy Drink has been working on this for a while and i've personally been awaiting its release deeply. I just thought id share.

Nos Energy Drink - Keep Drifting Fun